Saturday, November 17, 2007

Chapter Two: Which reality...?

Regina sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. Shivering, she rubbed the tops of her arms in an effort to reduce the goosebumps. Kryssie shook her head, "You really shouldn't sleep in class so often! You're gonna be in trouble once the Finals roll around."Regina just snorted and shrugged. She didn't feel like talking. Kryssie turned to talk to Celine who laughed. Regina rested her throbbing head against her arms and sighed.

A dream? But....of what? Why do I feel so troubled?

"Gina? Where're we heading for lunch? Are you okay?"
Regina opened her eyes and smiled.
" 'bout we go to our usual place? I don't feel like going far today."
Jessica frowned and lowered her voice.
"Not sleeping well?"
"Well...I do try!"
Jessica just shot her a look and shrugged.

Regina watched them go, calling out that they would wait for her. Wiping off the smile she had plastered on her face, she sighed. Grabbing her stuff, she trudged out, not noticing anything out of the ordinary.

The wind tugs at the sheer curtains as they flutter wildly. Chills ripple down my spine, tingling goosebumps cover my arms and legs. Where am I? Shifting my limbs, I look down and gasp. I am reclining on a snow white couch. Propping myself up on my elbow, I scan the room. A large wall mounted television faces the couch I am on, soft rugs cover the gleaming marble floor and my favourite Casablanca lilies spill over in glass vases all over the room. White sheer curtains flutter around the room as I get up to close the large glass windows. As my fingers wrap around the white wooden frame, I gasp. The view of the sea is spectacular...the garden attached to the house is filled with bushes of sparkling white roses and a shining white path leading to a white gate which opened to a vista of sparkling white sand. As I stand there, staring at the view, I feel a pair of arms sliding around my waist. Knowing instinctively that it is him, I lean back, revelling in his warmth.

"Did you have a good sleep?"
"How long was I asleep?"
"Far too long...I thought I was about to lose you to your dreams."
Although he was teasing, I tug at the ends of my hair feeling at odds.
"I dreamt...I was an overweight college student...I wasn't happy..."
He nuzzles my neck gently and I relax.
"It was just a dream...just a dream."

We stand there in dreamy silence as the sounds of the ocean washes over us.

"You remember what day it is right?"
I started from my reverie.
He laughs and I gasp when something cold slips around my neck to rest on my collarbones. Fingering it, I simply stare.
A simple perfect snowflake consisting of radiant cut diamonds set closely together rested from a slender chain around my neck.
"Happy Anniversary, darling..."
It was then that I notice the ring.

At that moment, the doorbell chimes. Seemingly irritated, he kisses my neck and goes to open the door. I follow him, passing a dining room where a table is set for two. Stopping, I finger the elegant crystal champagne flutes and brush my fingers over the white linen napkins. Raised voices caught my attention and I walk down the corridor lined by glass waterfalls towards the front door.
"You!"I gasp!
The two people standing at the door are eerily familiar...yet I cannot place them.

"It's us!! Run!! Run before he gets you!!"
He stood in front of them, not moving as they attempt to push past an invisible barrier.
"Get me...I don't understand..."
But somehow I do...backing away I knock into a glass vase. As it smashes onto the floor, I stare at the white lilies and somehow...they're roses...white shining roses. Almost as though I'm in a dream, I kneel and touch the roses. Immediately, I snatch my hand back but it is too blood drips steadily, turning a single rose blood red.

He is standing over me now. His fingers caress my hair.
"You belong here with me...don't you remember?"
A strange wind blows and my flesh begins to crawl.
"You....I..." I look into his eyes and I see love...for me and only me....yet even as my heart bursts with the same emotion, it quickens in fear as he pulls out a knife.
"This is the only way...the only way you can be mine..."
I scream and my vision began tunneling into darkness....

Regina screamed and jumped up. Staring around her wildly, she sank back onto the sofa as Kryssie and her boyfriend ran from their shared room.
"Gina! What happened? Another bad dream?"
Regina wrapped her arms around herself, the images fading so fast she could barely remember.
"I....I can't remember..."
Kryssie's face was a mask of concern.
"Do you want to see a doctor? Or maybe tell your parents..."
"No! I'm fine....really. I'll just take a shower and then we'll all go out for dinner ok?"
Kryssie looked dubious but agreed.
Regina pushed herself off the sofa and clomped to her room. As she tugged her sweater off her head, it caught on something around her neck. Turning to the mirror, she gasped.A perfect diamond snowflake necklace rested around her neck. Involuntarily and not really knowing why, she turned to stare at her ring finger and gasped again. A perfect white circle seemed to be burnt into her skin...



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